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I don't have much to say. Hope everyone's doing well.

I've procrastinated on building a blog for quite a while. I remember first learning to code in 2019 and wanting to write.

From a young age, I've always enjoyed writing. I still remember being inspired by the Diary of A Wimpy Kid series to write in my own personal journal.

Thumbnail of a Youtube video questioning sociopathic tendancies of Greg from Diary of A Wimpy Kid
Might I add how poorly the previous statement aged.

Here's a bit about me.

Who Am I?

I write code.

What Am I Doing With This Blog?

I have a few goals

  • I want a way to show off my programming skills
  • I look to track my coding abilities with dev logs.

Here's the thing... I'm probably just gonna go with the flow... write whatever comes into my mind and generally have a more free-form approach to this.

I spent WAY too long making blogs that had some kind of format... some kind of schedule that I was required to follow. However, I could never quite stick the landing and ended up not publishing in a blog at all.

I look to go at a pace that I enjoy and write more for the fun of it.

Adventure Capitalist... Really??

An Instagram story showing me name an older blog Adventure Capitalist

So as you can see, I've had this name for quite some time.

Hell, you can check out my attempt at writing a blog over on Hashnode

But you may ask...

Why did you name it "Adventure Capitalist" on Hashnode?

So when I first wanted to write a blog, I had never really thought of... A NAME.

With every other try, I always named it something close to my name

However, there was something in me that wanted something NEW... AND FANCY

It was pretty convenient as well... I happen to think about ways I could make money

All of a sudden... it clicked...

Adventure Capitalist

There's still a considerable amount of things that I would like to change. However, I've come to a point where...


I understand that I COULD use some site like Medium or Hashnode.

But... meh, I just want something personal to write off of.

Besides... I can always republish on one of those sites.

Final Thoughts

Enjoy? Or don't enjoy it... if that's your cup of tea.

There's still a lot in which I can iterate from. However... it's something I'll work on after a few blog posts.

For now, good day... or night... man I hate closing out blog posts...